Rabu, 13 Februari 2013


Hello blog, long time no see hahahha though just a week I didn't post anything here. :D. I think that I have already feel that wooooow this is fourth semester yaa. A lot of task, report of practicum, journals. But I'm totally enjoy this moment :D. at least I can learn how to manage the time better and better. so I will be better :D, and I should be better. Halah apadeehhh. yang penting usahanya. semangaaaat hihihi. Admittedly it was really need a lot a lot a lot of time, so I have to reduce the time to sleep hwaaaaaa, aga susah si. tapi ya dibisa bisain hahaha. Because I'm truly love sleep hahhaha.

Oke, because of that, I'm felling that so rarely to meet my buddy. maksudnya sahabat gitu deh. at least vetty huks. because she wasn't my classmate so its truly hard to get her. hukssssss. Padahal vetty bikin bahagia kalo ketemu :'). one of my happiness here deh ahahah. vettyyyyy *peluk-peluk. Even though we just share a little bit story, or do the things which was not important but I think it's important to do. because it's really pleasure :D. Walopun ga penting yang penting seneng. asal jangan ga penting-penting banget (halah ribet -__-) seengganya ada nilai silaturahminya heheh :D.

vettttyyyyyyyyy :*

Kaya tadi malem, niatnya mau pinjem buku petunjuk praktikum KF karna saya belum fotocopy. Dan saya melihat vetty sedang mencoba memasukkan detergen ke dalam botol dengan alasan karna kalo tetep diplastiknya kena air dan si detergen bakal ngegumpal gitu. So I decided to help her to do that. hahaahah. although it was just put in the detergent to the bottle but actually Its difficult yaaaa wkwkwk. we did iiiiiiittt. and there was I get a value that If we doing something, we have to total and focus. hahaha ternyata masukin detergen aja ada nilai yang bisa didapet yaa, kan harus bisa mengambil hikmah dari apapun yang dilakukin :D amiiiiiiin ya Allah :D. I believe that it was a part of refreshing before I'm going to my journals hihihi :D. ya detergennya masuk terus pulaaang, yang mengerti bahagianya mungkin hanya saya dan vetty :D atau jangan-jangan vetty tidak bahagia huhuhuhu. semoga saja dia bahagia hehehe.

Vetty Megantari or I call her peti is one of my buddy. peti tuh baik bangeeeet, kalo dia punya makanan banyak  pasti anterin dia suka dateng ke kosan dan berbagi dengan saya hihihi. greatest friend kan.I think that Allah give her to me for make me happy deh. Alhamdulillah ya Rabb :). Seterah ya kalo yang baca mau bilang lebay heheh. Everyone has different point of view :)

4 komentar:

  1. nice effort, it's a nice one to read. A little advice from me, try not to mixing both english and bahasa so extremely, bcause it's kinda a little weird for me :P, and also try to make colorize your blog, make it look more interesting. Like a food, your willing to eat a food will gone if the food itself looks awful right?? :D

    -M.I.M. B|

    1. Thanks for comment, advice, and visit my blog. I'll try to do that :D. is my blog looks awful? hahah I wasn't quite able to manage this blog. But, I'll do my best :D

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